Thursday, 19 September 2013

This is Lindsay

Hello everyone! This is Lindsay, a happy little Canadian, from Peru. Sarah was feeling lazy tonight and asked me to write her blog post, and I agreed.
I started my Peruvian adventure early Sunday morning, and met Sarah later that day. We talked most of the night like little school girls, and had no regrets when we had to wake up at 6:00am to head to our teaching orientation. Our housemother, Sarah, is absolutely fabulous. She makes fantastic food and is extremely welcoming. (Sarah has said that housemother Sarah reminds her of her Grandmother, which makes her miss her even more!) Each day we take the 'public' transportation to Pachacutec, a suburb of Lima, about an hour and a half bus ride away. These buses are essentially privately owned and very VERY crowded. Pachacutec is home to thousands of small shanty homes, essentially slums, that do have electricity and water, as well as our school placements. Here, Sarah has been teaching a beginners English class consisting of three students - her favourite class - and a few other classes of younger students. My placements are both a bit further away, but we all teach at Pachacutec school on Saturdays, for the adults who can't come during the week. 
We have had lots of fun with the ladies at our homestay. Two Mexican girls, Macarena and Ane, are a tonne of fun, along with Johanna from Windsor, Canada and Shelby from Utah, USA. On Saturday we are all going to the Chocolate Museum (at Sarah's recommendation!), and on Sunday to the ruins south of Lima that Sarah had a miserable time with earlier in her trip. 
It's been great getting to know Sarah - for some reason Canadian humour and English humour seems to meld well together, and we're constantly cracking jokes at each other's expensive. This is truly the foundation of a good friendship. 
lindsay, shelby and sarah trying to take a selfie with the moon
I'm sure Sarah will update soon... about her lost wallet and lost bank card and lost camera. Oh Sarah.Oh poor poor Sarah. Anyhoo she is alive though, which is the important part. She may be poor, but she's alive. 
Well it was nice to meet you all - I'm sure I'll find myself around England at some point or another and you'll have a chance to meet this random girl who wrote on Sarah's blog that one time. 

Goodbye, eh

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